Modernity, Colonialism and Music in East Asia 
文學院  音樂學研究所  
Ceiba 課程網頁

(The syllabus shown on this website is currently not the latest version. Please refer to the printed syllabus provided in class. September 15, 2014)

This graduate seminar examines current issues in the study of modernity and colonialism and their relation to music in East Asia. Advances in critical studies of the relationship between music and society in the early 20th century have become noticeable in recent years. More studies have gradually been concerned with postcolonial issues regarding Japanese and other imperial projects and their cultural effects as well as colonial collaboration and negotiation in the region. Running through a broad overview of relevant literature, this course aims at gaining insight into the cultural dimensions of colonialism in its ambiguous relationship with modernity. More stress will be put on Japan and Korea than on Taiwan, China and others due to the instructor’s specialty, but this course is intended to extend students’ interest to the whole region and beyond. 

The purpose of this course is threefold; first, to build up a comparative and relational viewpoint from which to better examine different locales in East Asia; second, to seek for new perspectives and methods so as to refresh our understanding of music history of the most disputed period in the region; third, to encourage students to develop some of the issues and methods discussed in the seminar into their graduate research projects. 
1. Critical Summary Notes: Every week two students are responsible for preparing summary notes of two required readings with additional information and critical comments in their own words, and for giving a short presentation to lead class discussion. Presentation materials such as a ppt file should be sent to the instructor and the teaching assistant (TA) no later than one day before each class. An effective and creative use of audio-visual materials highly recommended.
2. Final Presentation/Term Paper: All students give a final oral presentation in English on any topics relevant to this course agenda at the end of the semester, and develop it into a 5 - 10-page English term paper to be submitted due by 1/9, 2012. They will talk with the instructor to clarify a research topic beforehand. A consulting schedule to be announced around the midterm period. 
Office Hours
Week 1 Public Holiday (中秋節)
Week 2 No Class
Week 3 Introduction to Course
PART I. Japanese Interest in Colonial Others: Scholarly and Popular

Week 4 Japanese Colonial Study of ‘Oriental’ Music (1)
Hosokawa, Shuhei. 1998. In Search of the Sound of the Empire: Tanabe Hisao and the Foundation of Japanese Ethnomusicology. Japanese Studies 18 (1): 5-19.
Atkins, E. Taylor. 2010. Chap. 2 Ethnography as Self-Reflection: Japanese Anthropology in Colonial Korea. Primitive Selves: Koreana in the Japanese Colonial Gaze, 1910-1945. University of California Press, 52-101.
植村幸生. 1997. 〈植民地朝鮮????宮廷音??調??????─田?尚雄〈朝鮮雅?調?〉?政治的文脈〉. 《朝鮮史研究?論文集》35: 117-44. (UEMURA, Yukio. The Research of Korean Court Music by Tanabe Hisao: A Re-examination of Its Political Contexts. Bulletin of the Society for the Korean Historical Science)
植村幸生. 2000. 〈田?尚雄?朝鮮宮廷音?調?(1921)?問??????〉. 《ExMusica》??創刊?: 33-41. (UEMURA, Yukio. Questions Regarding Tanabe Hisao’s Research of Korean Court Music (1921). ExMusica)
朴賢洙. 1993. 《日帝? 朝鮮調?? ?? ?究》. ????? ??? ????. (PARK, Hyun Su. A Study of the Survey Works on Korea by the Japanese in the Colonial Period. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation in Cultural Anthropology. Seoul National University)

Week 5 Public Holiday (國慶紀念日)

Week 6 Japanese Colonial Study of ‘Oriental’ Music (2)
王櫻芬. 2005.〈殖民化與全球化:從日治時期音樂學者的調查記錄看臺灣原住民音樂的變遷及其成因〉. 《民俗曲藝》148: 43-102.
楊麗祝. 2000. Chap. 3 & 6. 《歌謠與生活─日治時期台灣的歌謠采集及其時代意義》. 台北:稻鄉.
Tsuge, Gen'ichi. 2000. Toyo Ongaku Gakkai and Music Research in Japan. Yearbook for Traditional Music 32: 157-65.
王櫻芬. 2008. 《聽見殖民地-黑澤隆朝與戰時臺灣音樂調查》. 國立臺灣大學出版中心.

Week 7 Japanese Craze for Asian Culture (1): Chinese Exotica
???????? (Edgar Wright Pope). 2005. 〈???????日本?????音????????─大陸?????中心?〉. 三井徹監修《?????音????????》. 音?之友社. 161-82 (Edgar Wright Pope. Exoticism and the Dynamism of Japanese Popular Music: Focusing on Tairiku [lit. Continental] Melodies. In MITSUI Toru ed. Popular Music and Academism)
Pope, Edgar W.. 2002. Representing the Foreign: Exoticism, Ideology, and Reality. 北星女子短大紀要 (Journal of Hokusei Jr. College) 38: 105-124.

Week 8 Japanese Craze for Asian Culture (2): Koreana
Park, Sang Mi. 2006. The Making of a Cultural Icon for the Japanese Empire: Choe Seung-hui's U.S. Dance Tours and "New Asian Culture" in the 1930s and 1940s. positions: east asia cultures critique 14 (3): 597-632.
Atkins, E. Taylor. 2007. The Dual Career of “Arirang”: The Korean Resistance Anthem That Became a Japanese Pop Hit. The Journal of Asian Studies 66 (3): 645-87.
Atkins, E. Taylor, 2010, Chap. 4 The First K-Wave: Koreaphilia in Imperial Japanese Popular Culture. Primitive Selves: Koreana in the Japanese Colonial Gaze, 1910-1945, University of California Press, 147-86.
宮塚利雄. 1995. 〈海??越??????〉. 《?????誕生》. 創知社. (MIYATSUKA, Toshio. Arirang Crossed the [Japan-Korea] Channel. The Birth of Arirang)

PART II. East Asian Performing Arts in Cross-Cultural Settings

Week 9 Performing in the Western Gaze (1)
Rao, Nancy Yunhwa. 2000. Racial Essences and Historical Invisibility: Chinese Opera in New York, 1930. Cambridge Opera Journal 12 (2): 135-62.
Park, Sang Mi. 2011. The Takarazuka Girls’ Revue in the West: public–private relations in the cultural diplomacy of wartime Japan. International Journal of Cultural Policy 17 (1): 18-38.
Guy, Nancy. 2001. Brokering Glory for the Chinese Nation: Peking Opera's 1930 American Tour. Comparative Drama.

Week 10 Performing in the Western Gaze (2)
Rees, Helen. 2002. “Naxi Ancient Music Rocks London”: Validation, Presentation, and Observation in the First International Naxi Music Tour. Ethnomusicology 46 (3): 432-55
Ye, Catherine. 2007. Re?ned Beauty, New Woman, Dynamic Heroine or Fighter for the Nation? Perceptions of China in the Programme Selection for Mei Lanfang’s Performances in Japan (1919), the United States (1930) and the Soviet Union (1935). European Journal of East Asian Studies 6 (1): 75–102.

Week 11 Interwar Americanism and Jazz
Atkins, E. Taylor. 2001. Chap. 2 The Soundtrack of Modern Life: Japan’s Jazz Revolution. Blue Nippon: Authenticating Jazz in Japan, 45-91.
Yoo, Sun-Young (trans. by Francis Lee Dae Hoon). 2007. Embodiment of American modernity in colonial Korea. In Kuan-Hsing Chen ed., The Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Reader, Routledge, 225-45.
Jones, Andrew F. 2001. Chap. 3 The Yellow Music of Li Jinhui. Yellow Music: Media Culture and Colonial Modernity in the Chinese Jazz Age, Duke University Press, 73-104. (宋偉航譯, 2004, 《留聲中國:摩登音樂文化的形成》,台北:商務印書館)
毛利?人. 2010. 《?????????????》. 講談社.
?川昌久, 大谷能生. 2008. 《日本????誕生》. 青土社.
?川昌久. 2005 [1983]. 〈???????─日本中?????〈青空〉〉. 《????踊??─舶?音?芸能史》. 清流出版. (SEGAWA, Masahisa. [Japanese] Jazz Age: Singing ‘Blue Sky’ Nationwide. Dancing to Jazz: The History of Imported Music and Entertainment)
?田晃二. 1976. 《日本????史─?前??後》. ???????????. (UCHIDA, Koji. The History of Jazz in Japan: Prewar and Postwar Eras)
Atkins, E. Taylor. 2001. Chap. 3 Talkin’ Jazz: Music, Modernism, and Interwar Japan’s Culture Wars. Blue Nippon: Authenticating Jazz in Japan, 93-126.
Hosokawa, Shuhei. 1994. East of Honolulu: Hawaiian Music in Japan from the 1920s to the 1940s. Perfect Beat 2 (1): 51-67.
Hosokawa, Shuhei. 1999. Strictly ballroom: the rumba in prewar Japan. Perfect Beat 4 (3): 3-23.

Week 12 ‘Postwar’ Americanization and East Asian Popular Music
Shin, Hyunjoon and Ho Tung-hung. 2009. Translation of ‘America’ during the early Cold War period: a comparative study on the history of popular music in South Korea and Taiwan. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 10 (1): 83-102.
Waseda Minako. 2004. Looking Both Ways: GI Songs and Musical Exoticism in Post-World War II Japan. Yearbook for Traditional Music 36: 144-64.
Yoshimi, Shunya (trans. by David Buist). 2007. ‘America’ as desire and violence: Americanization in postwar Japan and Asia during the Cold War. In Kuan-Hsing Chen ed., The Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Reader, Routledge, 246-66.
Ogura, Toshimaru. 2003. Military base culture and Okinawan rock 'n' roll. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 4 (3): 466-70.
東谷護. 2005. 〈第1章 米軍?日本?与??音?的衝?〉. 《進駐軍?????歌?曲?─?後日本?????音??黎明期》. ???書房 (TOYA, Mamoru. Chap. 1 The Musical Impact of the U.S. Armed Forces on Japan. From the Clubhouses of the U.S. Occupation Forces in Japan to Japanese Pop Song: The Early History of Postwar Japanese Popular Music)
東谷護. 2008. 〈韓?「米8軍舞台」形成初期???KPK?特異性〉. 《成城文藝》204: 93-83 (TOUYA, Mamoru. The specificity of KPK of the early making of the U.S. military camp shows in Korea)
Atkins, E. Taylor. 2001. Chap. 5 Bop, Funk, Junk, and That Old Democracy Boogie: The Jazz Tribes of Postwar Japan. Blue Nippon: Authenticating Jazz in Japan. Duke University Press.
Maliangkay, Roald. 2006. Supporting Our Boys: American Military Entertainment and Korean Pop Music in the 1950s and early 1960s. In Keith Howard ed., Korean Pop Music: Riding the Korean Wave, Global Oriental, 21-33

PART III. New Technologies and Mass Media

Week 13 Radio Broadcasting and Voices in the Air
Robinson, Michael. 1999. Broadcasting, Cultural Hegemony, and Colonial Modernity in Korea, 1924-1945. In Gi-Wook Shin and Michael Robinson eds., Colonial Modernity in Korea, Harvard University Asia Center.
川島真. 2006. 〈戰爭與廣播:東亞的電波戰爭〉. 《政治大學歷史學報》 25期: 37-70.
貴志俊?, 川島真, 孫安石 編. 2006. 《???????記憶》. 勉誠出版.
金?熙. 2006. 〈植民地時期朝鮮???????放送?出現??取者〉. 貴志俊? 他《???????記憶》. 勉誠出版, 156-79. (KIM, Yeong Hui. The Emergence of Radio Broadcasting and Audiences in Colonial Korea. In KISHI Toshihiko et al., War, Radio and Memory) (The Korean original version was published in 2002)
Yang, Daqing. 2003. Technology of Empire: Telecommunications and Japanese Imperialism 1930-1945. Harvard University Press.
吉見俊哉. 1995. 〈??????無線??〉. 《〈?〉?資本主義─電話?????蓄音機?社?史》. 講談社. (YOSHIMI, Shun’ya. Modernism and Wireless Voices. Capitalism of Voices: A Social History of Telephone, Radio and Phonograph)
武田康孝. 2008. 〈???時代?洋?文化─洋?番組?形成過程?制作者?思想?中心?〉.??下達也?長木誠司編《?力??音?文化─音?????》. 青弓社. (TAKEDA, Yasutaka. Western Music Culture in the Radio Age: Focusing on the Formation of Western Music Programs and the Thoughts of Producers. In TONOSHITA Tatsuya, CHOKI Seiji eds., The Total War and Music Culture: The Warfare of Sounds and Voices)

Week 14 Sound Recording and the Music Industry
Jones, Andrew. 2001. Chap. 2 The Gramophone in China. Yellow Music: Media Culture and Colonial Modernity in the Chinese Jazz Age, Duke University Press, 53-72. (宋偉航譯, 2004, 《留聲中國:摩登音樂文化的形成》,台北:商務印書館)
Tan, Sooi Beng. 1996-97. The 78 RPM Record Industry in Malaya Prior to World War II. Asian Music 28 (1): 1-41.
Gronow, Pekka. 1981. The Recording Industry Comes to the Orient. Ethnomusicology 25 (2): 251-84.
Mitsui, Toru. 1997. Chap. 9 Interactions of imported and indigenous musics in Japan: a historical overview of the music industry. In Alison J. Ewbank and Fouli T. Papageorgiou eds., Whose master's voice?: the development of popular music in thirteen cultures, Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press.
倉田善弘. 2006 [1979]. 〈音?大?化〉. 《日本????文化史》. 岩波書店. (KURATA, Yoshihiro. The Popularization of Sound. The Cultural History of Recordings in Japan)
佐藤卓巳. 2002. 〈〈???〉????〉. 《〈???〉?時代─?民大??誌?公共性》. 岩波書店. (SATO, Takumi. King Record. The Era of King: The Public Sphere of a Nationwide Popular Magazine)
王櫻芬. 2008. 〈聽見臺灣:試論古倫美亞唱片在臺灣音樂史上的意義〉.《民俗曲藝》160: 169-96.
Tan, Shzr Ee. 2008. Returning to and from “Innocence”: Taiwan Aboriginal Recordings. Journal of American Folklore 121 (480): 222-35.
黃裕元. 2011. 日治時期臺灣唱片流行歌之研究—兼論一九三?年代流行文化與社會. 國立台灣大學文學院?史學博士論文.

Week 15 Film and Music

Kim, Dong Hoon. 2009. Segregated cinemas, intertwined histories: the ethnically segregated film cultures in 1920s Korea under Japanese colonial rule. Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema 1 (1): 7-25.
Tuohy, Sue. 1999. Metropolitan Sounds: Music in Chinese Films of the 1930s. In Yingjin Zhang ed., Cinema and Urban Culture in Shanghai, 1922-1943, Stanford University Press, 200-221.
古川隆久. 2008. 〈流行歌?映?〉. ??下達也?長木誠司編《?力??音?文化─音?????》. 青弓社, 55-77. (FURUKAWA, Takahisa. Popular Song and Film. In TONOSHITA Tatsuya, CHOKI Seiji eds., The Total War and Music Culture: The Warfare of Sounds and Voices)
???. 2007. 〈?? ?? ??????〉. 《??????? ??》. ???, 15-118. (LEE, Jin Weon. Korean Film Music before the Liberation. A Study of the History of Korean Film Music)
???????? (Peter High). 1995. 《帝??銀幕─15年???日本映?》. 名古屋大?出版?.
Peter B High. 2003. The Imperial Screen: Japanese Film Culture in the Fifteen Years' War, 1931-1945. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

PART III. Class Presentations and Discussions
Week 16 Class Presentation (1)
Week 17 Class Presentation (2)
Week 18 Term Paper Due